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Who Should Consider a Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening?

Who Should Consider a Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening?

Multi-cancer early detection (MCED) assays detect a variety of cancers with a simple blood test. These screenings are designed to detect cancer cells in their early stages, long before symptoms develop, potentially revolutionizing the approach to cancer prevention.

The highly skilled medical team at Russak Personalized Medicine in Greenwood Village, Colorado, are proud to offer cutting-edge multi-cancer early detection screening as part of our highly personalized care options. MCED tests use machine-learning algorithms to evaluate DNA and protein patterns to detect the presence and location of cancers.

What is multi-cancer early detection screening?

Multi-cancer early detection screening is a form of testing that looks for signs of cancer before you have any symptoms. This is crucial, since most cancers don’t cause symptoms in their early stages. Cancers have usually advanced by the time symptoms appear.

MCED is designed to detect a wide range of cancers at once, identifying many different types through a single test. We offer an annual Galleri test from GRAIL that can detect 50 different cancers

Most MCED tests work by analyzing a sample of your blood to find small fragments of DNA that are shed by tumors into the bloodstream. These fragments carry genetic mutations that may indicate the presence of cancer.

Benefits of MCED screening

By identifying certain mutations, the MCED tests can not only indicate the presence of cancer, but they can also often provide information about the type of cancer and where it’s located in the body. This information is crucial for guiding further diagnostic procedures and initiating targeted treatment strategies.

Early detection

MCED is a cutting-edge approach to cancer detection, with the ability to detect cancer early, before it spreads to other parts of the body, being the primary benefit. Early-stage cancers are typically more treatable and have better chances of survival compared to cancers detected at later stages. 

Comprehensive screening

Traditional cancer screenings typically focus on one type of cancer, such as mammograms for breast cancer or colonoscopies for colorectal cancer. MCED screenings provide a broader overview, detecting multiple types of cancer and potentially catching various cancers for which standard screening tests are unavailable.


Since many MCED screenings, including Galleri, require only a blood sample, they offer a minimally invasive option compared with other cancer screenings that might require more invasive procedures or preparations.

Who should consider MCED screening?

Patients with certain risk factors can particularly benefit from MCED screenings. Risk factors for cancer include, but are not limited to:

Our team can consult with you, assess your individual risk factors, and discuss the potential benefits of MCED testing. As with any new technology, more clinical data is needed to answer remaining questions, such as future cancer risk and whether MCED works equally well for everyone. 

The role of MCED screening in preventive medicine

By integrating MCED screenings into regular health checkups, you can better monitor your health. We can interpret the results and guide you through the next steps, whether those  involve additional testing, monitoring, or interventional strategies.

To learn more about MCED screening and whether it might be right for you, contact our Greenwood Village, Colorado, office to schedule a consultation. It’s never too early to take a proactive step toward safeguarding your health against cancer.

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