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What are the Symptoms of a Thyroid Problem?

There are a number of conditions that can affect the thyroid gland, which produces the hormones that regulate growth and metabolism. The American Thyroid Association estimates that roughly one in every eight women will experience some type of thyroid problem in her lifetime (however men can suffer from thyroid problems as well). Floyd Russak, MD, in Greenwood Village, CO, offers unique diagnosis and treatment options for thyroid problems and other health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

Thyroid Problems - Symptoms and Treatment Options in Greenwood Village, CO

Despite the prevalence of thyroid disorders, data suggests that as many as 60% of people with a thyroid problem may not be aware of their condition. Some of the most common thyroid gland disorders include:

Symptoms of a Thyroid Problem

Although the gland is small, an issue with the thyroid can have a significant impact on your health, from energy levels to weight and basic metabolic functions like digestion. The symptoms you experience depend on the specific thyroid problem you are experiencing. The most common signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism are:

The most common signs of symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:

Goiters (enlarged thyroid gland) may or may not exhibit symptoms depending on the size:

What Causes Thyroid Problems?

Although thyroid problems are more common in women, other factors like age, family history, autoimmune disease, or hormone imbalances can increase the risk of developing a thyroid condition in the future.

Find a Thyroid Doctor in Greenwood Village, CO

For more information about thyroid health and conditions, contact our office by calling 303-856-5989 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Russak today.

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