Exploring Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men

Many people associate bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with menopausal symptoms experienced by women, like hot flashes, brain fog, and irritability. However, the treatment can be just as beneficial for men and those assigned male at birth (AMAB, a term used to describe those who were born male at birth but may not identify as male).
At Russak Personalized Medicine, our team regularly prescribes BHRT to men and folks AMAB to manage low testosterone (hypogonadism). In this blog, we explain what BHRT is and discuss how it can support testosterone levels and men’s health in general.
What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
BHRT uses synthetic (lab-made) hormones to help manage symptoms of low or imbalanced hormones. It’s commonly prescribed to relieve perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms, such as night sweats and vaginal dryness.
Traditional hormone therapy uses hormones produced by animals. For example, Premarin, a type of estrogen, is made from the urine of pregnant horses.
BHRT is different in that the hormones it uses are made from plants. These plants are broken down in the laboratory and converted to hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Although traditional hormone therapy is effective, it presents various risks. Since BHRT uses hormones nearly identical to those produced inside your body, some researchers say it’s safer and less likely to cause side effects. While there’s no conclusive evidence to support these claims, many people find BHRT beneficial.
When should I consider BHRT?
Schedule a BHRT consultation with our team if you develop any symptoms of low testosterone, such as:
- Erectile dysfunction (ED)
- Low libido
- Reduced muscle mass and strength
- Insomnia
- Loss of facial or body hair
- Hot flashes
- Fatigue
Sometimes, low testosterone triggers psychological symptoms, including irritability, depression, and anxiety.
All of these symptoms can be caused by other health problems, but screening for low testosterone is important nonetheless. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can alleviate symptoms and prevent the issue from worsening.
BHRT: what to expect
BHRT can be administered in various ways, including pills, patches, creams, shots, and implanted pellets. We assess your health history, symptoms, current medical conditions, and desired outcomes to determine the best administration method for you.
Some people prefer pills because they can take them with their other medications. Others prefer implantable pellets because they last several months. Regardless of how treatment begins, changes may occur. For example, you might start BHRT using skin patches but transition to injections later.
Since hormones fluctuate regularly, we monitor your hormone levels at routine checkups with blood, urine, and saliva tests. The goal is to relieve the symptoms of low testosterone using the lowest dose of hormones possible.
How long does it take for BHRT to work?
The time it takes for BHRT to work varies from person to person.
Some people report significant relief in just a few weeks, but this is the exception, not the rule. It takes awhile to restore your hormones to balance, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t notice a change in your energy levels or libido for at least three months. Be patient, follow your provider’s instructions, and attend each of your scheduled checkups.
Request a BHRT consultation today
Low testosterone is a common problem that affects millions of middle-aged men. If you’re tired of living with brain fog, low libido, and loss of muscle strength, request a BHRT consultation. To schedule an appointment, contact us today. Call our office in Greenwood Village, Colorado, or book your visit online.
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